Friday, June 17, 2016

The Friday Five!

It's been a pretty crazy week for us! We are officially on summer break! Aaaaaand, my book wrapped up ahead of schedule and we were able to launch it this week. I worked really hard on it, so I'm so excited it's out! And I took the kids to see my sister and her kiddos in Chicago, so we've been traveling around a bit too. Here's all the in between ....

*Amazon links are affiliate links.

Making -- in case you missed it, my book is NOW AVAILABLE! It will officially launch nationwide July 1st, but you can get it now via my publisher Gryphon House or Amazon. It's a little surreal -- it was a loooong, long process and I'm really excited to finally be able to share it with everyone. So we've been busy this week making plans to get the book out. It's full of great ideas you can use this summer, so please do check it out and let us know what you think!!

Reading -- as I mentioned, we've spent most of this week in Chicago, so we traveled light on books. But we brought this A to Z Mystery Kane nabbed from a Free Little Library. They love the series -- it's spooky, but not scary.

Cooking -- my sister's done all the cooking this week and made some fab food, but last night we got my fave sausage stuffed pizza and well, that wins. It's back to clean eating after Father's Day!!

Wanting -- I'm obsessed with Nitro Coffee right now and Confluence makes it in a portable can.

Playing -- we love Baba Yaga! We picked it up because we are also fans of Zeus on the Loose. I like that it's a compact size and easy to travel with for summer.

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